How to Pitch a Podcast?

Podcasting is a promising medium and it’s like a magnetic force for many celebrities and ordinary people. Since podcasts are consumed by over 80 million people already, appearing as a podcast guest can give someone more popularity than appearing on any other traditional medium. So, if you need some professional advice on making a successful pitch, we’re here with some tried and tested tips. We know you’re impatient. So, let’s cut straight to the chase.

What is a podcast pitch?

Roughly described, pitching a podcast means finding ways to appear as a guest on a particular podcast. Usually, a podcast pitch is a short, self-introductory email sent to the podcast host. This email highlights the personal and professional skills of the sender and lists the reasons why they can be a good guest for the show.  So, if you feel you can be a good guest for someone’s interview podcast, but there are low chances they know you and will reach out to you themselves, a podcast pitch is a great way to attract attention. If you know how to pitch a podcast the right way, you can harness the power of podcasts to the fullest.

How to pitch a podcast in 5 steps

The five steps below will change your approach to podcast pitching and help you secure the best opportunities in podcasting:

1) Find podcasts relevant to your niche by using directories or 'best of' lists.
2) Identify interview opportunities by seeing if they accept guest offers or researching the type of guests they usually have.
3) Build a relationship with the host, follow them on social media, comment on their posts, let them know you exist!
4) Reach out with a short and clear message about becoming a guest.
5) Keep trying. Shows might have a backlog or might not see your message, so follow up with them, but also be ready to move on to the next target.


Here's those tips in more detail:

Step 1: Find podcasts in your niche

Podcasts usually have a rather narrow scope. And with more than two million podcasts in the world, you’re very likely to find shows that correspond to your niche.

Several good searching tips will help you find relevant podcasts quicker.

Podcast directories are like Google for podcasts. They are specific platforms for podcasters to publish their shows and the first place to ld start your searches from. Some of the podcast directories that you might be well aware of are Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Those directories have separate playlists and categories for quickly filtering the shows of your interest. So, you can either find a relevant playlist or type your desired industry in the search bar to find hundreds of podcasts that can interest you.

Google is another place  to search for some good podcasts, especially with its new feature  of including podcasts in the search results. Type [the industry you want + podcasts], and you will find a rich list of shows to pitch to. If those two options fail to give you the desired result, our podcasting lists might come in handy:

Step 2: Identify interview opportunities

Finding a podcast that covers the same topics you are interested in is not enough. You should figure out the answers to two key questions:

-- Is the podcast even accepting guests?
-- If they do, which type of interviews do they usually have on the show?

Many podcasts do not accept guests or do so very rarely. Besides, some podcasts might have strict policies for interviewing guests. They might filter guests by location, a certain degree of professional achievements, etc. So, once you shortlist the podcasts you would love to be a guest at, make sure you find as much information as possible about who is the ideal guest for them. To start with, you can explore the podcast’s or host’s websites.

Shows open for interview podcasts usually have a “Want to be a guest on our show?”  question highlighted on the home page. If you come across such podcasts, you’re rather lucky, as this will save you tons of guesswork and blind search. If that’s not the case, look through the recent episodes of the show.

If the podcast accepts guests, you’re likely to find one or two interviews in their latest episodes. Watching the interviews will help you understand the type of guest the show is willing to host. If you feel that could be you, you can go ahead and pitch them! Otherwise, remove the podcast from your list, and move on to find other, more relevant shows.

Step 3: Pitch a podcast

If you’ve accurately completed the above two steps, half of the job is doneSo, it’s time to reach out to the person who can review and approve your participation in the interview. You will often find a contact email in the podcast’s official communication channels. Otherwise, you can directly reach the podcast host, introducing your candidacy for the podcast interview.

When writing your email to the podcast host, it’s essential to keep it short and concise. You should write a podcast pitch in a clear and concise manner, making the reader quickly identify that you have deeply researched the podcast and have a thorough understanding of the show. Write a formal email subject line in, mentioning “Podcast pitch suggestion + your industry or name.”

Avoid long and fluffy texts in the email body and keep it straight to the point. Not only describe why you’re a good fit to be a guest on the podcast, but also suggest some 5-10 podcast topics you can pick up for the podcast episode. In addition, you can send your availability for the hosts to understand when they can record the interview.

Final thoughts

A podcast pitch is beneficial not only for the guests but also for podcasters themselves. It’s not always easy to come up with a new content idea; that’s why many content creators are continuously looking for talented individuals who can be guests at their shows and make the episodes more engaging for the audience. So, your task is to successfully highlight your skills and compatibility with the podcasts of your niche. You can find hundreds of podcasters interested in recording a podcast interview with you if you do so. The steps described above will help you successfully promote yourself to a podcast host, and get a chance to reach out to a larger audience. We hope that’s going to work for you! Good luck!

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